Inner Geography. imaginingplaces
It has been a while, a long time that I don't write here. I have been busy with work, which shouldn't be an excuse for writing. Almost 17 months without writing anything and with a lot to say. As I see lots of blogs and beautiful people writing about themselves, their lives and their makes me continue with this website and complete it. Easter holidays are almost here, 2 more weeks and I will be free to work on my projects.
More printing, creating a hand made book with prints, creating special classes, starting the structure of an NGO, looking for a new job and rest!

I am a fan of a very creative woman, Genine who has a beautiful blog. She creates amazing watercolors and her work is beautiful. You can find her webiste just by clicking genine art blog. She does beautiful stamps and I did mine. I used erasers and stamp ink. I don't have a lot of them because it's complicated to get the materials, but erasers are a flexible, cheap and easy tool to use for a rustic stamp.

Here are some pictures of my stamps...although images don't have a very good quality, you can get an idea of them.
By the way, I am very happy because one of my dogs, Ritter, rescued a baby bird that fell down from the roof outside the house. He's alive!! That's amazing! He has been with us two days, he is eating super good, sleeps (like all babies) and sings beautiful. Hope to see him growing healthy so that he can go.
4/8/2011 03:55:30 pm

Thanks for taking this opportunity to discuss this, I feel fervently about this and I like learning about this subject.


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