Inner Geography. imaginingplaces

A river.

The rivers are systems responsible for draining surface water from a basin.
They also carry a large quantity of material that in its pass into a lake, river or ocean,
is being deposited in the bed. The river is the time, that time that passes and passes
without stopping, is the distance that separates an ocean from another, which divides
us and a few others, and that water that it carries is the people, river water that lets itself
go, and at the end all waters are re-united somewhere in the world.


When people travel, loneliness is experienced, as always happens when one moves to another country that is not theirs, and worshiping what one had before appears again. 
Occasionally we are faced with situations where a loved one is absent from our side. This can happen by choice, be motivated by circumstances or correspond to the normal development of the natural course of life. Depending on the reason for departure, we can estimate the time before the reunion, whether it will be long or short, but still a sense of emptiness in the absence of the loved one can feel.

It is known that any separation by painful as it would be , is only temporary, that is, that at some point -no matter how distant it may seem in some cases- people meet again and then it seems as though there was never any absence. Here it becomes clear that the pain experienced by the departure is directly proportional to the sense attachment to the person who is absent.
When people are absent by choice or by circumstances beyond their control that sometimes is motivated by a desire to improve and be better, accepting the departure is easier, because the best for the love ones is always wanted and they are provided with support and understanding to facilitate their crossing.

The absence of a loved one is expressed only in physical form; their memories still keep us together despite the distance and time. We are so close to the person who departed, as are our profound feelings towards it and how identified we are with one another.
If the feelings that unite us are mutually deep and there is a high degree of empathy between the two is possible to feel the presence of the other despite the distance; know their states of mind, emotions and moods as if they were on our side, being able to get confused with the ones of our own, and in some cases until capture their thoughts as if they were our own.
You can see that when affection is sincere also free, wide and eternal, the physical presence is no longer essential to express it, and the barriers of time and distance disappear to make way for an eternal here and now that rises above all circumstances, allowing to the most noble qualities of human beings flow freely, thus creating an enabling environment for growth of all persons involved.


Written in 2001.



Internal Drainage. developed project that became A river.


 Internal Drainage arises from the constant movement from one city to another when I was three years old till seven. Changing friendships within the same social group, a conflict in a relationship that somehow leads to silence, distance and ends in separation and from the double distance of three different people -three friends and three members of my family- who are important in my life.

Internal Drainage aims to express the accumulation of feelings of loss, loneliness, alienation, need, search for identity, emotional stability, describing each member of my family in the artistic work.
The work originates from these events but focuses mainly on the family distance, the characteristics that every member had they were together and the ones that it has now after this separation..
These three people are my brothers and my father. They live in different countries, and although my father is just in another city, a few hours, his absence is the most highlighted because of the role he has within the family. Thus, there is resentment towards the paternal figure because he was not there when he was needed and this results in indifference, lack of communication, irresponsibility ... hence, distance.

 Distance with and without you. 

Internal Drainage attempts to describe each member, including my sister and my mother who have stayed here.

Again with you.            

During the semesters in the painting workshop, I dedicated myself to work primarily with maps, where collages were done through different kinds of cloth. After that the Internal Drainage series arisen which distance was the subject of work, and it was represented by the use of varnish as if it was honey in the artistic work due to its texture, color, bright and protective characteristics -same characteristics of family members- in different media such as paper, wood, canvas and cloth. Through black lines, varying the thickness and its different directions in the different media, each member of my family was represented.



The work of these lines in the painting, led me to explore the various types of line in engraving, with an interest in Chinese calligraphy. The Chinese characters are beautiful by themselves: the delicacy and harmony of its forms, producing poetry and expressing spirituality. So it begins a search of deeper meaning of the use of lines in the artistic work. The lines are roads, electricity cables, addresses, they always get together.

It was not until 4 years ago, when I began my career in arts I realized that my life was influenced by distances, travel to other countries and cities, by memories and distant relations. First my two best girl friends leave, then my best boy friend gone. Then my sister, father and brother leave. I was wondering why people I love so much have to leave.

Returning from a trip from an academic exchange, curiously six other people I met there, that are now important in my life are also far from me. This has created an interest for the political, social and cultural development from other countries on me, knowing that this would let me be in touch with them and a little bit like if I was there. Suddenly my life is surrounded by people form different places and my “family” becomes international.

It is also the distance with people living in your same city, which for some reasons have to be away.

And in one way or another, I too want to leave.

This leads me to different thoughts, different ideas, to different places and to the development of this life project.